Theoretical Physics for Biological Systems eBook
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Quantum physics provides the concepts and their mathematical formalization that lend themselves to describe important properties of biological networks topology, such as vulnerability to external stress and their dynamic response to changing physiological conditions. A theory of networks enhanced with mathematical concepts and tools of quantum physics opens a new area of biological physics, the one of systems biological physics.
Additional ISBNs
9781138552418|9781315148168|9780367780388, 1138552410|1315148161|0367780380, 9781138552418|9781315148168, 1138552410|1315148161, 9780367780388
Theoretical Physics for Biological Systems 1st Edition by Paola Lecca; Angela Re and Publisher CRC Press. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781351374316, 1351374311. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781138552418, 1138552410.