The Why of the Buy: Consumer Behavior and Fashion Marketing, 2nd Edition eBook
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How do consumers decide what to buy for their wardrobes and their homes? What drives them to choose one brand over another? This current textbook tells all about how consumer behavior theory and practice is applied in the fashion industry. The second edition of Why of the Buy: Consumer Behavior and Fashion Marketing updates its presentation of how psychology, sociology, and culture influences consumers’ fashion purchase decisions-and ultimately impacts the success of global fashion enterprises. The unifying element of this text is its presentation of current knowledge of consumer behavior applied to the fields of fashion and design in an enthusiastic and relevant way that will attract and engage students. New to this Edition ~ New Chapter 11, Social Media and the Fashion Consumer, explores how the relationship between marketers, retailers, and consumers is aided by social media and the internet ~ Added discussion of Omnichannel retailing in Chapter 13 ~ Expanded and updated coverage of technology, ethics, and social responsibility ~ What Do I Need to Know About ?? list the objectives of each chapter and provide a roadmap for study ~ More than 20% new photos all in full color Chapter Features ~ Let’s Talk features throughout each chapter encourage students to relate the topic to their experiences and observations ~ Case in Point and Point of View box features in each chapter offer real life case studies or current viewpoints on relevant consumer behavior and marketing topics ~ Chapter mini-projects offer an opportunity to apply chapter concepts to realistic fashion settings ~ Summaries, Key Terms, Questions for Review and Activities
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The Why of the Buy: Consumer Behavior and Fashion Marketing 2nd Edition is written by Patricia Mink Rath; Stefani Bay; Penny Gill; Richard Petrizzi and published by Fairchild Books USA. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Why of the Buy are 9781609019914, 1609019911 and the print ISBNs are 9781609018986, 1609018982.