The Why of the Buy: Consumer Behavior and Fashion Marketing, 3rd Edition eBook
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Even as the fashion industry changes rapidly with new technologies, styles and trendsetters, one thing remains constant: the customer is key. But with more competition than ever before, how do fashion brands reach elusive customers and even more crucially, establish loyalty? This thoroughly updated third edition introduces core concepts of consumer behavior through a unique fashion perspective. Ideal for fashion merchandising and marketing courses, this text explains the motivation behind consumer choice and purchase written in a clear manner with industry examples. This text will cover updates in technology and social media, which have changed the landscape of the fashion market. Discussion of the pandemic, diversity, sustainability, and ethical practices are also included. Student activities, mini-projects, and brand new ?Just-in-Case? case studies promote application of the text concepts for a complete understanding of The Why of the Buy. STUDIO Features Include: – Self-assessment quizzes to test yourself on what you have just read – Flashcards of key terms and concepts covered in the book Instructor Resources – Instructor’s Guide to help incorporate the text into your classroom -The Test Bank includes sample test questions for each chapter – PowerPoint Slides for every chapter
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The Why of the Buy: Consumer Behavior and Fashion Marketing – with STUDIO 3rd Edition is written by Patricia Mink Rath; Stefani Bay; Penny Gill; Richard Petrizzi; Lorynn Divita and published by Fairchild Books. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Why of the Buy are 9781501382246, 1501382241 and the print ISBNs are 9781501382284, 1501382284. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781501382239.