Torts: Theory and Practice eBook
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The Fourth Edition of?Torts: Theory and Practice?(formerly Torts: The Civil Law of Reparation for Harm Done by Wrongful Act) brings the text fully up to date in statutory, judicial, and Restatement developments, and includes law and economic analyses and commentary throughout.
The casebook concentrates on negligence as the primary vehicle for teaching tort law. It provides the historical background for each negligence principle so that students understand how current tort law developed. An introductory chapter presents the primary ideas of negligence law, and subsequent chapters develop the law of negligence in detail, including defenses, comparative fault, damages, and multi-party considerations. The second part of the book covers intentional torts, strict liability, products liability, tortious invasion of property interests, workers’ compensation, no-fault automobile reparations, defamation, privacy and constitutional torts.
The eBook version of this title feature links to Lexis Advance for further legal research options.