Tropical House Design Handbook: Bioclimatic, Safe, Comfortable, Economical and Respectful of the Environment eBook
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Packed with accessible information, this book covers all the technical and practical aspects of home design in tropical environments. It begins by outlining the prerequisites needed to understand the issues involved (climate, heat, thermal comfort, etc.) and discusses the solutions offered by traditional housing. It then identifies current solutions for protecting buildings and their occupants from solar radiation and external heat, while promoting bioclimatic and environmentally friendly approaches. The economic viability of the solutions identified is discussed, as are the advantages and disadvantages of the materials, depending on the context and standards in force. Numerous examples illustrate how buildings can be adapted to local realities, from the avant-garde creations of Jean Prouv? to those of today?s architects who are committed to sustainable development, as well as specific projects incorporating the recommendations made in this book. More than 460 photos, drawings, diagrams, tables, maps, house plans, logos and pictograms illustrate this reference work for all those involved in construction in tropical regions, particularly students in the field and, more generally, anyone ? from professionals to private individuals ? looking for useful information on this subject.
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Additional ISBNs
9781032490083, 9781003391807
Tropical House Design Handbook: Bioclimatic, Safe, Comfortable, Economical and Respectful of the Environment 1st Edition is written by ETIK2A and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Tropical House Design Handbook are 9781003829881, 1003829880 and the print ISBNs are 9781032490069, 1032490063. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781032490083, 9781003391807.
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