The Sociology Project 3.0: Introducing the Sociological Imagination, 3rd Edition eBook
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The Sociology Project: Introducing the Sociological Imagination draws on the collective wisdom of expert faculty from the NYU Sociology Department to reveal how individuals are shaped by the contexts in which they live. Utilizing the big questions of the discipline as a framework, the authors seek to inspire your sociological imagination and to encourage you to question the world around us. Version 3.0 explores important recent developments such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter, #MeToo and environmental movements. An updated chapter structure, including 3 new chapters, sheds light on the future of the labor market, political polarization and other resonant contemporary issues.
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The Sociology Project 3.0: Introducing the Sociological Imagination 3rd Edition is written by NYU Sociology Department; Jeff Manza and published by Pearson. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Sociology Project 3.0: Introducing the Sociological Imagination are 9780136450689, 0136450687 and the print ISBNs are 9780136450733, 0136450733. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780137871926, 9780136450931.
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