The Worst Enemy of Science?: Essays in Memory of Paul Feyerabend eBook
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The Worst Enemy of Science?
Essays in Memory of Paul Feyerabend
This stimulating collection is devoted to the life and work of the most flamboyant of twentieth-century philosophers, Paul Feyerabend. Feyerabend’s radical epistemological claims, and his stunning argument that there is no such thing as scientific method, were highly influential during his life and have only gained attention since his death in 1994. The essays that make up this volume, written by some of today’s most respected philosophers of science, many of whom knew Feyerabend as students and colleagues, cover the diverse themes in his extensive body of work and present a personal account of this fascinating thinker.
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The Worst Enemy of Science?: Essays in Memory of Paul Feyerabend 1st Edition is written by John Preston; ?Gonzalo Munevar; David Lamb and published by Oxford University Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Worst Enemy of Science? are 9780195351712, 0195351711 and the print ISBNs are 9780195128741, 0195128745.
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