Thyroid Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Management eBook
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Thyroid Cancer
A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Management
are new to this edition. The authors provide not only the The second edition of Thyroid Cancer: A Comp- most current review of their respective areas, but also their hensive Guide to Clinical Management marks the pub- own recommendations and approach. The reader is fo- cation of a markedly updated and expanded volume that warned that in many cases these approaches, albeit rooted covers all aspects of the etiology, pathogenesis, diag- sis, initial treatment, and long-term management of all in available data, may be empiric rather than based varieties of thyroid cancer. Like the first edition, it will upon clear-cut results of well-controlled clinical t- als. Nevertheless, controversial issues are examined serve as a valuable reference source for pathologists, and evidence-based recommendations are presented endocrine surgeons, endocrinologists, nuclear medicine when available. physicians, and oncologists. However, the biggest There are updated chapters on our current state change is that the second edition is significantly enlarged and expanded to encompass important and extensive of knowledge of the molecular changes in thyroid treatments of more topics related to nuclear medicine. cancer, molecular markers, and how targeted the- pies are being developed. New therapeutic trials of Nuclear medicine physicians and procedures play a key redifferentiation agents to restore the sodium iodide role in the management of thyroid cancer patients and in symporter when lacking and more traditional che- retrospect, a comprehensive discussion of topics related therapies are discussed, with referral sources listed for to that field was somewhat lacking in the first edition.
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Additional ISBNs
Thyroid Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Management 2nd Edition is written by Leonard Wartofsky; ?Douglas Van Nostrand and published by Humana Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Thyroid Cancer are 9781592599950, 1592599958 and the print ISBNs are 9781588294623, 1588294625. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781617375835.
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