The Spatial Dimension of Risk: How Geography Shapes the Emergence of Riskscapes eBook
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Through its exploration of the spatial dimension of risk, this book offers a brand new approach to theorizing risk, and significant improvements in how to manage, tolerate and take risks. A broad range of risks are examined, including natural hazards, climate change, political violence, and state failure. Case studies range from the Congo to Central Asia, from tsunami in Japan and civil war affected areas in Sri Lanka to avalanche hazards in Austria. In each of these cases, the authors examine the importance and role of space in the causes and differentiation of risk, in how we can conceptualize risk from a spatial perspective and in the relevance of space and locality for risk governance. This new approach ? endorsed by Ragnar L?fstedt and Ortwin Renn, two of the world’s leading and most prolific risk analysts ? is essential reading for those charged with studying, anticipating and managing risks.
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Additional ISBNs
9781849710855, 9780203109595, 9781136271250, 9781136271304
The Spatial Dimension of Risk: How Geography Shapes the Emergence of Riskscapes 1st Edition and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Spatial Dimension of Risk are 9781136271298, 1136271295 and the print ISBNs are 9781138900943, 113890094X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781849710855, 9780203109595, 9781136271250, 9781136271304.
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