The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods, 2nd Edition eBook
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Online research methods are popular, dynamic and fast-changing. Following on from the great success of the first edition, published in 2008, The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods, Second Edition offers both updates of existing subject areas and new chapters covering more recent developments, such as social media, big data, data visualization and CAQDAS. Bringing together the leading names in both qualitative and quantitative online research, this new edition is organised into nine sections: 1. Online Research Methods 2. Designing Online Research 3. Online Data Capture and Data Collection 4. The Online Survey 5. Digital Quantitative Analysis 6. Digital Text Analysis 7. Virtual Ethnography 8. Online Secondary Analysis: Resources and Methods 9. The Future of Online Social Research The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods, Second Edition is an essential resource for anyone interested in the contemporary practice of computer-mediated research and scholarship.
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The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods 2nd Edition and published by Sage Publications Ltd (UK). The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods are 9781473959286, 1473959284 and the print ISBNs are 9781473918788, 1473918782. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781473959309, 9781473959293.
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