The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods, 2nd Edition eBook
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The second, thoroughly revised and expanded, edition of The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods presents a wide-ranging exploration and overview of the field today. As in its first edition, the Handbook does not aim to present a consistent view or voice, but rather to exemplify diversity and contradictions in perspectives and techniques. The selection of chapters from the first edition have been fully updated to reflect current developments. New chapters to the second edition cover key topics including picture-sorting techniques, creative methods using artefacts, visual framing analysis, therapeutic uses of images, and various emerging digital technologies and online practices. At the core of all contributions are theoretical and methodological debates about the meanings and study of the visual, presented in vibrant accounts of research design, analytical techniques, fieldwork encounters and data presentation. This handbook presents a unique survey of the discipline that will be essential reading for scholars and students across the social and behavioural sciences, arts and humanities, and far beyond these disciplinary boundaries. The Handbook is organized into seven main sections: PART 1: FRAMING THE FIELD OF VISUAL RESEARCH PART 2: VISUAL AND SPATIAL DATA PRODUCTION METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES PART 3: PARTICIPATORY AND SUBJECT-CENTERED APPROACHES PART 4: ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORKS AND PERSPECTIVES? PART 5: MULTIMODAL AND MULTISENSORIAL RESEARCH PART 6: RESEARCHING ONLINE PRACTICES PART 7: COMMUNICATING THE VISUAL: FORMATS AND CONCERNS
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The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods 2nd Edition and published by Sage Publications Ltd (UK). The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods are 9781526416988, 1526416980 and the print ISBNs are 9781473978003, 1473978009. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781526417008, 9781526416995.
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