The Shame Borne in Silence: Spouse Abuse in the Jewish Community eBook
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Providing a religious lens on the topic, this book directly addresses the problem of spousal abuse in the Jewish community, in hopes of confronting the truth and taking definitive steps to end this violation of all that Judaism stands for. A leading rabbi and psychiatrist reveals with striking candor, firmness, and compassion what may have been closely kept dark secrets in many Jewish families and offers urgently needed advice and direction. Rabbi Twerski’s book was one of the first titles to break open the issue, and this new edition relates the recognition of abuse, the warning signs, and how to respond.
The Shame Borne in Silence: Spouse Abuse in the Jewish Community 1st Edition by Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski and Publisher Urim Publications. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9789655242928, 9655242927. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9789655241662, 9655241661.
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