The Superintendent and the CFO: Building an Effective Team eBook
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The Superintendent and the CFO
Building an Effective Team
Building a strong relationship with the CFO is essential for superintendents seeking to build sustainable educational programs for all students. Benzel and Hoover use their CFO and superintendent experience to identify what future leaders in both roles need to know and be able to do with respect to fiscal leadership and improved student learning. This book examines how a focus on student achievement must be central to fiscal planning. The authors discuss the role values play in forming the leadership team, how to create a climate for success through collaborative strategies. They also examine ways to build systems strength to cope with uncertainty in fiscal planning. Using this leadership base, they outline the key management elements that must be in place to assure sound fiscal practices that monitor fiscal status and manage cash flow to mitigate uncertainty. Benchmarks for organizational success enhance communication with governing boards, internal audiences and taxpayers. This book provides leaders with an outline of what do during every quarter of the fiscal year to exercise effective fiscal and educational leadership.
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Additional ISBNs
The Superintendent and the CFO: Building an Effective Team is written by Brian L. Benzel; Kenneth E. Hoover and published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Superintendent and the CFO are 9781475820461, 1475820461 and the print ISBNs are 9781475820454, 1475820453. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781475820447.
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