The Sustainability Scorecard: How to Implement and Profit from Unexpected Solutions eBook
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Natural resource inputs to business operations are getting scarcer and more expensive, while climate-change-related economic shocks pose a risk to seamless operations and, more importantly, threaten business continuity. How can organizations integrate sustainable design in their overarching operations and align it with profitability and corporate strategy?
Based on Paul Anastas’s foundational Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry, the Sustainability Scorecard is the first scientifically rooted, data-driven methodology for creating inherently sustainable and profitable products and processes. By redesigning with sustainability as a key design element, firms open themselves to unexpected solutions, leapfrog innovations, and sources of value that simply don’t occur when sustainability is leveraged purely as a risk-avoidance and compliance measure.
Urvashi Bhatnagar and Anastas offer dozens of examples of how sustainable operations can yield benefits such as expanding market share, creating new service lines, and transforming supply-chain and sourcing models to drive the most consistent and highest long-term value. With this comprehensive framework, your firm will be able to identify truly innovative, inherently sustainable products as opposed to less bad products and processes that don’t provide the exponential value that only breakthrough products can.
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Additional ISBNs
The Sustainability Scorecard: How to Implement and Profit from Unexpected Solutions 1st Edition is written by Urvashi Bhatnagar; Paul Anastas and published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Sustainability Scorecard are 9781523093809, 1523093803 and the print ISBNs are 9781523093786, 1523093781. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 978-1-5230-9378-6.
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