The Sustainable Enterprise Fieldbook: Building New Bridges eBook
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With deep thought and inspiring examples, this updated book engages readers by increasing their understanding and awareness of what sustainability means conceptually, practically, personally, and professionally. It provides readers with the tools and techniques to improve the social, environmental, and economic performance of their organizations in both the short and long term. Since sustainability is not achieved in a siloed environment, everyone has a critical role to play on this journey. The Sustainable Enterprise Fieldbook, with full companion materials at, engages today?s managers and leaders of organizations, in both the private sector and civil society, who are being challenged as never before to find ways to play a proactive role in understanding and addressing the risks and opportunities of sustainability. It teaches them how to apply systems thinking to turn our most intractable problems into exciting business opportunities, and offers ground breaking frameworks in new chapters on globalization, strategy, metrics, and sustainability models for collaboration, technology, and community. That is why this book is structured to be a fieldbook to provide practitioners the Activities, Cases, and Tools that they can use to help move their enterprise throughhave access to the innovative Living Fieldbook, an online community forum filled with supporting materials:
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Additional ISBNs
9781783534173, 9780429453472
The Sustainable Enterprise Fieldbook: Building New Bridges 2nd Edition and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Sustainable Enterprise Fieldbook are 9780429842818, 0429842813 and the print ISBNs are 9781783535279, 178353527X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781783534173, 9780429453472.
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