The Talent Management Handbook eBook
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The Talent Management Handbook explains how organizations can identify and get the most out of ?high-potential people? by developing and promoting them to key positions. The book explains: 1. A system for integrating three human resources ?building blocks?: organizational competencies, performance appraisal, and forecasting employee/manager potential 2. Six human resources conditions necessary for organization excellence 3. How to link your employee assessment process to career planning and development The Talent Management Handbook will help you design career plans that boost employee morale, as well as create and sustain excellence in your organization. It is full of simple, efficient, easy-to-follow methods for assessing, planning, and developing high-value people to meet your organization?s current and future needs. And it will help you combine your organization?s diverse human resources activities into a single, cogent system. Featuring best practices from leading companies as well as contributions from field experts who hold top positions in such leading HR consultancies as AON Consulting, The Hay Group, Hewitt Associates, Right Management Consulting. Sibson Consulting, and Towers Perrin, The Talent Management Handbook is an authoritative resource for creating and maintaining excellence in your organization through people management.
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The Talent Management Handbook 1st Edition is written by Berger, Lance; Berger, Dorothy and published by McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Talent Management Handbook are 9780071414340, 0071414347 and the print ISBNs are 9780071414340, 0071414347.
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