The Tapping Solution for Parents, Children & Teenagers eBook
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Raising children is life?s greatest gift and accomplishment, but it can also come with an overwhelming amount of stressors, anxiety and self-doubt. Am I modeling the type of person I want my child to become? Am I doing enough to prepare my child to strive in an ever-changing world? Are my children happy and confident in themselves? In The Tapping Solution for Parents, Children & Teenagers, Nick Ortner encourages readers to first take a look at their own stressors and worry as parents, reminding readers that self-care is vital to helping others. In the first section of the book, parents are guided on using the revolutionary technique known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping to release parental overwhelm, quiet worry, manage conflict and transform their experience of parenthood. In the second section, Nick explores specific uses for Tapping with children, ranging from releasing negative emotions like anger, fear and phobias, sadness, grief, guilt, and shame, to overcoming specific challenges such as anxiety disorders, sleep, nightmares, performance anxiety, bullying, school jitters, divorce and much more. Through the use of diagrams, links to videos, and Tapping tips, The Tapping Solution for Parents, Children & Teenagers is an easy-to-use resource to solve everyday issues taking place in our homes.
The Tapping Solution for Parents, Children & Teenagers Edition by Nick Ortner and Publisher Hay House. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781401955816, 1401955819. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781401956066, 1401956068.
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