The Task-Centred Book eBook
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Task centred social work is one of the best known and most strongly supported approaches to social work practice. This text is a radical departure from traditional literature on social work methods. The main reference point is the voice of practitioners, service users and carers, as researched and developed by the authors over twenty years. Case studies are used throughout the book to build on the experiences of practitioners and the people with whom they have worked, demonstrating practical skills for: study and analysis teaching and learning practicing task-centred social work review and continuing development. The Task-Centred Book is a core text for both undergraduate social work courses and continuing professional development training, as well as being a practical book for the active professional which will support the development and implementation of task-centred practice.
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The Task-Centred Book is written by Marsh, Peter; Doel, Mark and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Task-Centred Book are 9780415334556, 0415334551 and the print ISBNs are 9780415334556, 0415334551.