The Tax Law of Charitable Giving eBook
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A completely updated guide to the laws and regulations governing charitable giving
This fully updated?Fifth Edition?of?The Tax Law of Charitable Giving?is the definitive resource for nonprofit lawyers, accountants, and fundraising professionals charged with navigating the increasingly complex maze of charitable giving regulations. This new edition includes:
- Detailed documentation and citations, including references to regulations, rulings, cases, and tax literature
- An exhaustive index allowing for quick and easy reference
- Annual supplements to keep readers apprised of the latest developments affecting tax-exempt healthcare organizations
This is a digital product.
The Tax Law of Charitable Giving 5th Edition is written by Bruce R. Hopkins and published by John Wiley & Sons P&T. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Tax Law of Charitable Giving are 9781118767665, 1118767667 and the print ISBNs are 9781118768037, 1118768035.
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