The Teaching of Science: Education, Science and Society eBook
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The Teaching of Science
Education, Science and Society
First published in 1969, The Teaching of Science primarily deals with science teaching in secondary schools and universities but its searching discussion of criteria concerns all who have to do with education. The concise but well-documented treatments of the nature of the scientific process and of the social implications of science will be of interest to many scientists and especially useful for teachers of general studies. Professor Jevons looks first at why we should teach science and thereby sheds light on the more immediately practical problems of how it should be done. He thus does more than merely add to the already large volume of exhortation to make it more attractive and intellectually stimulating.
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Additional ISBNs
9781032317441, 9781003311089, 9781000630619
The Teaching of Science: Education, Science and Society 1st Edition is written by F. R. Jevons and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Teaching of Science are 9781000630640, 1000630641 and the print ISBNs are 9781032317434, 1032317434. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781032317441, 9781003311089, 9781000630619.
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