The Teaching Online Handbook eBook
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Classroom teachers are increasingly expected to teach online ? creating content area courses from scratch with little support or training. But high-quality, researched-based online teaching has its own particular set of skills and expectations, and most resources are directed at college-level instructors. This no-nonsense handbook is for that busy classroom teacher, with clear techniques for planning, instruction, and assessment, as well as sections on teaching students with diverse needs and exceptionalities. Based on the author’s real-life experiences as an online teacher, there are multiple examples including sample assignments across content areas, rubrics for grading, and sample scripts for parent contact as well as tips to reduce instructor workload and conduct successful live instruction.
This is a digital product.
The Teaching Online Handbook is written by Courtney Ostaff and published by John Catt. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Teaching Online Handbook are 9781913808877, 1913808874 and the print ISBNs are 9781913622381, 191362238X.