The Teaching Self: Contemplative Practices, Pedagogy, and Research in Education eBook
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The Teaching Self
Contemplative Practices, Pedagogy, and Research in Education
In The Teaching Self: Contemplative Practices, Pedagogy, and Research in Education, a rich collection of voices from diverse settings illustrates the ways in which first-person experiences with contemplative practices lay a foundation for contemplative pedagogy and research in teacher education. Contemplative practice depends on cultivating an understanding of oneself, as well as one?s relationship and interdependence of others and the world, and it is this precept that guides the focus of these portraits of practice. The teaching self of the scholar benefits from reflective and authentic engagement and a commitment to equity and ethical action. Several authors examine the direct and indirect influence contemplative practices have on their students as future educators. All of the authors in this book share first-hand experiences with contemplative practices that honor, support, and deepen awareness of the teaching self by exploring the journey of identifying as a contemplative educator.
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Additional ISBNs
The Teaching Self: Contemplative Practices, Pedagogy, and Research in Education is written by Edited by Jane E. Dalton, Elizabeth Hope Dorman,andKathryn Byrnes and published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Teaching Self are 9781475836332, 1475836333 and the print ISBNs are 9781475836318, 1475836317. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781475836325.
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