The Tech Contracts Handbook: Cloud Computing Agreements, Software Licenses, and Other IT Contracts for Lawyers and Businesspeople eBook
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The Tech Contracts Handbook is a userfriendly reference manual and training guide on software licenses and other IT agreements, along with cloud computing issues. This handbook is for both lawyers and businesspeople, including contract managers, procurement officers, corporate counsel, salespeople, and anyone else responsible for getting IT deals done. Perhaps, most important, the book uses clear, simple English, just like a good contract. The book describes each clause typically found in a technology agreement, outlines the issues at stake, and offers negotiation tips and sample contract language. The book addresses four principle types of IT contracts: ? Software license agreements and software ownership agreements ? IP professional services agreements ? Cloud services agreements ? Combination agreements Topics include warranties, indemnities, open source software, nondisclosure agreements, limitations of liability, software escrow, data security, copyright licensing, both private and government contracts, and much more.