The Tools for Successful Online Teaching eBook
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Online education continues to grow exponentially, and the majority of universities now offer online courses. However, the unprecedented explosion of online learning courses has resulted in increased demands for online teachers, and regular classroom teachers are often asked to teach in an online environment. Tools for Successful Online Teaching introduces teachers to the tools of the learning management system (LMS), or the online learning environment. These tools, including chat, threaded discussion, e-mail, surveys, exam builders, and more, are explored to show the strengths and weaknesses of each tool. Multiple examples of objectives and activities are provided to instill a deep understanding, and the reader will gain a long-term ability to create a unique curriculum.
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The Tools for Successful Online Teaching is written by Lisa Dawley and published by Information Science Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Tools for Successful Online Teaching are 9781591409588, 1591409586 and the print ISBNs are 9781591409564, 159140956X.
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