The Triadic Structure of the Mind: Outlines of a Philosophical System eBook
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In this third edition of The Triadic Structure of the Mind, Francesco Belfiore begins from the basic ontological conception of the structure and functioning of the ?mind? or ?spirit? as an evolving, conscious triad composed of intellect, sensitiveness, and power, each exerting a selfish and a moral activity. Based on this original concept of the triadic, bidirectional and evolving mind, Belfiore has developed a coherent philosophical system, through which he offers fresh solutions in the fields of ontology, knowledge, language, aesthetics, ethics, politics, and law. The present third edition, like the previous one, includes an extensive treatment of the topics addressed as well as the quotation of the views of the major thinkers, whose thought has been discussed and reinterpreted. In addition, new concepts have been introduced, some passages have been clarified, and the style has been improved in several points. The result is an original and exhaustive book, which will be of interest to all philosophy scholars.
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The Triadic Structure of the Mind: Outlines of a Philosophical System 3rd Edition is written by Francesco Belfiore and published by Hamilton Books. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Triadic Structure of the Mind are 9780761868576, 0761868577 and the print ISBNs are 9780761868569, 0761868569.
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