The Truth About Managing People eBook
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Discover today’s quick, practical, proven guide to overcoming “killer” management problems and succeeding brilliantly as a leader! Unlike other management books, The Truth About Managing People, Fourth Edition is 100% practical and completely based on tested evidence, not mere anecdote or opinion. Top management author Stephen P. Robbins has distilled thousands of research studies, meta-analyses, and Big Data investigations into a set of 63 proven, tested solutions for today’s make-or-break management challenges. Each solution is presented quickly and concisely, in just 2-3 pages, so you can absorb them fast, and use them immediately. Robbins’ fully updated truths cover every key aspect of management, including hiring the right people and building winning teams; designing high-productivity jobs and rewarding the right behaviors; managing diversity, change, conflict, turnover, and staff cuts; overcoming self-serving bias, groupthink, and digital distractions, and much more. This edition adds nine all-new chapters, covering the crucial importance of people skills, building emotional intelligence, loyalty expectations, employee engagement and mentoring, managing face-to-face vs. virtual teams, overcoming the downsides of teams, handling unacceptable workplace behavior, promoting creativity and innovation, and more. Whatever your management role, Robbins has compiled indispensable practical truths you can and will apply, every single day.
The Truth About Managing People 4th Edition by Stephen P. Robbins and Publisher Pearson FT Press PTG. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780134048475, 0134048474. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780134048437, 0134048431.
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