The Unofficial Guide to Radiology: 100 Practice Orthopaedic X-Rays with Full Colour Annotations and Full X-Ray Reports eBook
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“The Unofficial Guide to Radiology: 100 Practice Orthopaedic X Rays” is the sequel to the Unofficial Guide to Radiology, which has sold 1500 copies in just eight months. This book teaches systematic analysis of Orthopaedic X Rays. The layout is designed to make the book as relevant to clinical practice as possible; the X-rays are presented in the context of a real life scenario. The reader is asked to interpret the X-ray before turning over the page to reveal a model report accompanied by a fully colour annotated version of the X-ray. Uniquely, all cases provide realistic high quality X Ray images, are annotated in full colour, and are fully reported, following international radiology reporting guidelines. This means the X Rays are explained comprehensively, but with clear annotation so that a complete beginner can follow the thinking of the expert. This book has relevance beyond examinations, for post graduate further education and as a day-to-day reference for professionals.