The User Perspective on Twenty-First-Century Art Museums eBook
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The User Perspective on Twenty-First Century Art Museums explains contemporary museums from the whole gamut of user experiences, whether users are preserving art, creating an exhibit, visiting, or part of institutions that use the architecture for branding. Fourteen museums from the United States, Europe, China, and Australia represent new construction, repurposed buildings, and additions, offering examples for most museum design situations. Each is examined using interviews with key stakeholders, photographs, and analyses of press coverage to identify lessons from the main user groups. User groups vary from project to project depending on conditions and context, so each of the four parts of the book features a summary of the users and issues in that section for quick reference. The book concludes with a practical, straightforward lessons-learned summary and a critical assessment of twenty-first-century museum architecture, programming, and expectations to help you embark on a new building design. Architects, architecture students, museum professionals, and aficionados of museum design will all find helpful insights in these lessons and critiques.
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Additional ISBNs
9781138807891, 9781315750880
The User Perspective on Twenty-First-Century Art Museums 1st Edition is written by Georgia Lindsay and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The User Perspective on Twenty-First-Century Art Museums are 9781317613480, 1317613481 and the print ISBNs are 9781138807907, 1138807907. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781138807891, 9781315750880.
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