The Western Heritage, Combined Volume, 12th Edition eBook
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For courses in history of Western civilization ? An authoritative account of Western civilizations Revel??The Western Heritage?weaves social, cultural, and political history into a strong, clear, narrative account of the central developments in Western history. Authors Donald Kagan, Steven Ozment, and Frank Turner define how the West has interacted with other cultures, and show how the history of Western civilization can shed light into global challenges today. In order to help students achieve a thorough understanding of Western civilization, the? 12th Edition?has been updated to reflect recent developments ? in the West and beyond.
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The Western Heritage, Combined Volume 12th Edition is written by Donald M. Kagan; Steven Ozment; Frank M. Turner; Gregory Francis Viggiano and published by Pearson. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Western Heritage, Combined Volume are 9780134387253, 0134387252 and the print ISBNs are 9780134104102, 0134104102. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780134387260.
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