The Wheelchair Evaluation: A Clinician’s Guide eBook
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The Wheelchair Evaluation: A Clinician?s Guide, Second Edition is an updated, practical, and concise reference on the wheelchair prescription process. It?s perfect for students and clinicians in the health fields who work with physically disabled individuals in need of a wheelchair. This book is a portable, hands-on manual that implements a real-world approach to patient evaluation, choice of wheelchair components, documentation, and funding.
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Additional ISBNs
1449618235, 128405196X, 9781449618230, 9781284051964
The Wheelchair Evaluation: A Clinician’s Guide 2nd Edition is written by Mitchell Batavia and published by Jones & Bartlett Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Wheelchair Evaluation: A Clinician’s Guide are 9781284051964, 128405196X and the print ISBNs are 9780763761721, 0763761729. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1449618235, 128405196X, 9781449618230, 9781284051964.