The Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health Sector eBook
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This book provides a comprehensive insight into the ways in which psychoanalysts think and work. Mary Brownescombe Heller and Sheena Pollet bring together internationally known contributors trained at the Institute of Psychoanalysis to explore the broad range of clinical work, thinking, and teaching undertaken with children, families, adults and staff by psychoanalysts in the UK public health sector. Divided into four sections, The Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health Sector covers: clinical work with parents and young children clinical work with adults and their families analytic thinking in health service practice analytic support for health service staff. Experienced psychoanalysts discuss work with various client groups including parents with babies, children, adolescents who self harm, and adults with serious mental health conditions and psychosis. The book also explores how psychoanalytically-informed work can be used alongside other treatment methods, and how health service staff can best be trained and supported. The Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health Sector offers the reader a broad perspective and a clear understanding of the various analytical concepts used in clinical practice. It will be invaluable reading for anyone interested in, or already using psychoanalytic ideas and techniques in the health sector, as well as students in training.
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Additional ISBNs
9780415484282, 9781315787381
The Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health Sector 1st Edition is written by Mary Brownescombe Heller; Sheena Pollet and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Work of Psychoanalysts in the Public Health Sector are 9781317723349, 1317723341 and the print ISBNs are 9780415484299, 0415484294. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780415484282, 9781315787381.