The World of the Counselor: An Introduction to the Counseling Profession, 5th Edition eBook
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THE WORLD OF THE COUNSELOR gives readers an unparalleled look into the practicalities of the counseling profession by providing a broad overview of the field, including a firm foundation in the skills, theories, and day-to-day realities of the job. Thorough and research-based, the book presents the key concepts and material about the counseling profession with clarity and insight, while keeping readers engaged through illustrative case examples and personal narratives. To ensure that readers are thoroughly prepared to further their studies and careers, the author has structured the material around the eight core CACREP curriculum areas, while enhancing his discussion with coverage of salient topics such as specializations within counseling, finding a counseling job, and future trends in counseling.
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The World of the Counselor: An Introduction to the Counseling Profession 5th Edition is written by Edward S. Neukrug and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The World of the Counselor: An Introduction to the Counseling Profession are 9798214354811, and the print ISBNs are 9780357671085, 0357671082. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781305087293, 9781337430869.
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