The World of Waiters eBook
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Originally published in 1984, The World of Waiters provides a close look at the area of everyday working life, focusing on the profession of waiters. The book addresses the complex world of waiters, look at the insecurities, hierarchies and ?the politics of serving? that come into play in the everyday working life of a waiter. The book addresses the issues facing waiters in everyday life, including the placing and spacing of customers, the process of ordering and tipping, and customer complaints ? all of these are looked at through the lens of the rules adhered to by waiters. The book is created from data compiled by the from 5 English hotels at varying grades. This book provides an interesting case study of the restaurant industry, and will be of interest to any academics working in the field of sociology, in particular the field of the sociology of work and anthropology.
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Additional ISBNs
0367027909, 0429397593, 0367028360, 9780367027902, 9780429397592, 9780367028367
The World of Waiters 1st Edition is written by Gerald Mars; Michael Nicod and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The World of Waiters are 9780429673573, 0429673574 and the print ISBNs are 9780367027902, 0367027909. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0367027909, 0429397593, 0367028360, 9780367027902, 9780429397592, 9780367028367.