The Young Child: Development from Prebirth Through Age Eight, 7th Edition eBook
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This widely used text discusses major development theories as they relate to physical, social and emotional, and cognitive domains, and contains extensive applications for teaching and working with young children. It provides students of child development with a sound knowledge base of current theory and research in the field of early childhood growth, development, and learning and its translation into practice in the daily lives of very young children. Time-honored theories of child development are discussed and applied to current knowledge about how children develop and learn, and contemporary theories, such as Cognitive (Core Systems and Neoconstructivism) and Contextual theories (Dynamic Systems and Relationship-Based Theories) are included. The authors apply theories and the supporting research based on these theories to Early Childhood Education practices in the classroom and with families. The new edition features a strong emphasis on the application of information, examples of early learning guidelines and outcome standards, new Meeting the Needs of All Children sections, complete updating throughout, and video exercises and a policy video/question for applying knowledge.
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The Young Child: Development from Prebirth Through Age Eight 7th Edition is written by Donna S. Wittmer; Sandra H. Petersen; Margaret B. Puckett and published by Pearson. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Young Child: Development from Prebirth Through Age Eight are 9780134036960, 0134036964 and the print ISBNs are 9780134029429, 0134029429. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780134027357, 9780137411726, 9780134036953.
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