Themes and Stories in Youthwork Practice eBook
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Learn to follow the rhythms of building a relationship with youth at risk Themes and Stories in Youth Work Practice takes a refreshing look at the creative possibilities of working with youth in a variety of group care and developmental settings. Author Mark Krueger presents an innovative approach to developing relationships through shared experiences that plays out like modern dance, choreographed according to individual needs and strengths but always open to improvisations that follow the rhythms of life. The book also promotes a framework of understanding youth work through personal stories constructed alone and together by youth and youth workers. Themes and Stories in Youth Work Practice offers a unique perspective on theory and practice as it examines human interaction as an interpersonal, inter-subjective, and contextual process. The book recounts a day in the life of a youth worker, examines qualitative inquiries conducted by youth workers, recalls personal stories, and addresses the ways youth workers’ experiences influence their interactions with youth. Counselors working in community centers, group homes, treatment centers, and community and group care programs will discover how to use the interactive dance between workers and youth at risk to create human compositions, advancing the story and getting a feel of where they are in moments of connection, discovery, and empowerment. From the author: ?Youth work is like a modern dance. We bring ourselves to the moment and try to interact in synch with youths’ rhythms for trusting and growing. As we interact, we are in a sense, in?and passing through?youth. The challenge is to know ourselves so that we can know each other, and this comes about in part through a constant exploration of our stories. It also comes about when we are in youth work with youth, learning how to dance.? Geared toward experienced youth workers but equally relevant for students and anyone new to the field, Themes and Stories in Youth Work Practice is an enlightening read for anyone working in, or for, residential treatment centers, group homes, shelters, foster care, juvenile justice programs, community-based youth serving organizations, after school programs, recreation programs, camps, churches, and neighborhood centers.