Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments eBook
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Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments provides students, faculty, and instructional designers with a clear, concise introduction to the major pedagogical and psychological theories and their implications for the design of new learning environments for schools, universities, or corporations. Leading experts describe the most important contemporary theories that form the foundation of the conception and design of student-centered learning environments and new applications of educational technologies. This book is well suited as a textbook for courses in instructional design, educational psychology, learning theory, curriculum theory and design, and related areas. The rise of constructivism and its associated theories represented a paradigm shift for educators and instructional designers to a view of learning as necessarily more social, conversational, and constructive than traditional transmissive views of learning. This bestselling book was the first to provide a manageable overview of the altered field, and the second edition has been fully updated to include expert introductions to Metacognition, Argumentation, and other key contemporary theories.
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Additional ISBNs
0415894212, 0415894220, 0203813790, 9780415894210, 9780415894227, 9780203813799, 1136702601, 1136702598, 1283460637, 1136702555, 9781136702600, 9781136702594, 9781283460637, 9781136702556
Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments 2nd Edition is written by David Jonassen and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments are 9781136702594, 1136702598 and the print ISBNs are 9780415894227, 0415894220. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0415894212, 0415894220, 0203813790, 9780415894210, 9780415894227, 9780203813799, 1136702601, 1136702598, 1283460637, 1136702555, 9781136702600, 9781136702594, 9781283460637, 9781136702556.