Theoretical Models and Experimental Approaches in Physical Chemistry: Research Methodology and Practical Methods eBook
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This new volume presents an up-to-date review of modern materials and physical chemistry concepts, issues, and recent advances in the field. It presents a modern theoretical and experimental approach in applied physical chemistry. The volume discusses the developments of advanced chemical products and respective tools to characterize and predict the chemical material properties and behavior. With chapters from distinguished scientists and engineers from key institutions worldwide, the volume provides understanding through numerous examples and practical applications drawn from research and development chemistry. It emphasizes the intersection of chemistry, math, physics, and the resulting applications across many disciplines of science and explores applied physical chemistry principles in specific areas. At the same time, each topic is framed within the context of a broader more interdisciplinary approach, demonstrating its relationship and interconnectedness to other areas. This new book fills a gap within modeling texts, focusing on applications across a broad range of disciplines, and presents information on many important problems in physical chemistry. These investigations are accompanied by real-life applications in practice.
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Theoretical Models and Experimental Approaches in Physical Chemistry: Research Methodology and Practical Methods 1st Edition is written by A. K. Haghi and published by Apple Academic Press (T&F). The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Theoretical Models and Experimental Approaches in Physical Chemistry are 9781351592666, 1351592661 and the print ISBNs are 9781774630723, 1774630729. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781771886321, 9781315102634.
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