Theory And Applications Of Ocean Surface Waves (In 2 Parts): Part 1: Linear AspectsPart 2: Nonlinear Aspects eBook
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This book is an expanded version of The Applied Dynamics of Ocean Surface Waves. It presents theoretical topics on ocean wave dynamics, including basic principles and applications in coastal and offshore engineering as well as coastal oceanography. Advanced analytical and numerical techniques are applied, such as singular perturbations. In this expanded version, three chapters on recent developments have been added. The first is on multiple scattering by periodic or random bathymetry. The second is on Zakharov’s theory of nonlinear wave fields with broad spectra. The third is an extensive discussion of powerful numerical techniques for highly nonlinear waves. Other new topics include infragravity waves, upstream solitons, Venice storm gates, etc. In addition, there are many new exercises.Theory and Applications of Ocean Surface Waves will be invaluable for graduate students and researchers in coastal and ocean engineering, geophysical fluid dynamicists interested in water waves, and theoretical scientists and applied mathematicians wishing to develop new techniques for challenging problems or to apply techniques existing elsewhere.
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Additional ISBNs
9789812388940, 9789812388933, 981238894X, 9812388931, 9789812569196, 9789814365703, 9812569197, 981436570X
Theory And Applications Of Ocean Surface Waves (In 2 Parts): Part 1: Linear AspectsPart 2: Nonlinear Aspects is written by Chiang C Mei; Michael Aharon Stiassnie; Dick K-p Yue and published by World Scientific. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Theory And Applications Of Ocean Surface Waves (In 2 Parts) are 9789814365703, 981436570X and the print ISBNs are 9789812388940, 981238894X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9789812388940, 9789812388933, 981238894X, 9812388931, 9789812569196, 9789814365703, 9812569197, 981436570X.
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