Theory and Models for Cyber Situation Awareness eBook
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Today, when a security incident happens, the top three questions a cyber operation center would ask are: What has happened? Why did it happen? What should I do? Answers to the first two questions form the core of Cyber Situation Awareness (SA). Whether the last question can be satisfactorily addressed is largely dependent upon the cyber situation awareness capability of an enterprise. The goal of this book is to present a summary of recent research advances in the development of highly desirable Cyber Situation Awareness capabilities. The 8 invited full papers presented in this volume are organized around the following topics: computer-aided human centric cyber situation awareness; computer and information science aspects of the recent advances in cyber situation awareness; learning and decision making aspects of the recent advances in cyber situation awareness; cognitive science aspects of the recent advances in cyber situation awareness
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Theory and Models for Cyber Situation Awareness and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Theory and Models for Cyber Situation Awareness are 9783319611525, 3319611526 and the print ISBNs are 9783319611518, 3319611518.
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