Theory & Practice in Clinical Social Work, 3rd Edition eBook
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Theory & Practice in Clinical Social Work?furnishes graduate students and clinical social work professionals with a comprehensive guide to contemporary clinical social work practice. Featuring chapters contributed by experts in their respective fields of practice, this text covers frameworks for clinical practice, specific treatment modalities, and specialized clinical issues, themes, and dilemmas.
Each original chapter includes relevant history of the theoretical perspective, clinical method, or issue/theme/dilemma; key ideas, concepts, and terminology associated with the topic; clinical examples derived from contemporary practice; discussion of new developments; and, where appropriate, content that addresses the clinical evidentiary base.
The third edition includes new content within each chapter, thoroughly updated chapter references, and information on emerging themes in the discipline. New, original chapters address clinical practice with gay, lesbian, and bisexual clients; transgender clients; and suicidal youth and adults. Additional chapters examine consensual and nonconsensual sexting in adolescence and clinical social work in a digital environment.
Rich in practical and thought-provoking content,?Theory & Practice in Clinical Social Work?is an outstanding resource for graduate-level social work students and entry-level clinical professionals.
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Theory & Practice in Clinical Social Work 3rd Edition is written by Jerrold R. Brandell, Editor and published by Cognella Academic Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Theory & Practice in Clinical Social Work are 82836-1A, 9781516597178, 1516597176 and the print ISBNs are 9781516597161, 1516597168. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781793511997, 9781516597185, 978-1-5165-9716-1, 978-1-5165-9717-8, 828361A.