Therapeutic Assessment with Adults: Using Psychological Testing to Help Clients Change eBook
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This book is a comprehensive guide to Therapeutic Assessment (TA) with adults, showing how to collaboratively engage clients in psychological testing to help them achieve major and long-lasting change. This guide clearly lays out each step of TA with adults, including its rationale and detailed instructions on how to handle a range of clinical situations. Additionally, in part one, the authors fully describe the development of TA, its theoretical bases, and the most up-to-date research on the model. In the second part of the book, the authors describe the structure and techniques of TA, and illustrate each step with transcripts from a clinical case. Further clinical illustrations help the reader understand how to conduct a TA with different types of clients, including those from culturally diverse backgrounds. This book is essential for all clinicians, therapists and trainees working with adult clients; along with students in assessment courses.