Therapeutic Exercise: Moving Toward Function eBook
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Therapeutic Exercise: Moving Toward Function, Third Edition provides a conceptual framework for learning how to make clinical decisions regarding the prescription of therapeutic exercise?from deciding which exercise(s) to teach, to how to teach them, to the dosage required for the best outcome. Readers will learn how to use therapeutic exercise and related interventions to treat the impairments that correlate to functional limitations and disability and to work toward optimal function. Highlights of this Third Edition include case studies in each chapter and more than 200 new photographs and illustrations.
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Therapeutic Exercise: Moving Toward Function 3rd Edition is written by Lori Thein Brody and published by Wolters Kluwer Health. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Therapeutic Exercise are 9781469881201, 1469881209 and the print ISBNs are 9780781799577, 0781799570.
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