These United States: A Nation in the Making: 1890 to the Present 1st edition eBook
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From two major scholars, a powerful narrative that explores the making and unmaking of American democracy and global power in the twentieth century. President Franklin Roosevelt told Americans in a 1936 fireside chat, ?I do not look upon these United States as a finished product. We are still in the making.? These United States builds on this foundation to present a readable, accessible history of the United States throughout the twentieth century?an ongoing and inspiring story of great leaders and everyday citizens marching, fighting, voting, and legislating to make the nation?s promise of democracy a reality for all Americans. In the college edition of These United States, Gilmore and Sugrue seamlessly weave insightful analysis with all of the support tools needed by students and instructors alike, including paired primary source documents, review questions, key terms, maps, and figures in a dynamic four-color design.
These United States: A Nation in the Making: 1890 to the Present 1st Edition by Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore; Thomas J. Sugrue and Publisher W. W. Norton & Company. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780393616668, 0393616665. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780393264463, 0393264467.
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