THINK Public Relations, 2nd Edition eBook
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? THINK Currency.? THINK Relevancy.? THINK Public Relations. The engaging visual design of THINK Public Relations provides an introduction to the field of public relations that successfully blends theory and practice in an easy-to-read format.? Students are introduced to exciting and innovative public relations campaign examples in the contract of relevant theory and core concepts that they will need to succeed in the world of public relations. The authors offer a practical approach to the study of public relations and emphasize competition and conflict management, while providing a concise, comprehensive overview of the profession. ? A better teaching and learning experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience?for you and your students.? Here?s how: Improve Critical Thinking?Questions and cases throughout the text encourage students to think critically about public relations topics. Engage Students?An appealing visual design and real-world applications engage students in the material. Apply Ethics? Feature boxes introduce readers to the important ethical and legal issues facing public relations practitioners today.
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THINK Public Relations 2nd Edition is written by Dennis L. Wilcox; Glen T. Cameron; Bryan H. Reber; Jae-Hwa Shin and published by Pearson. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for THINK Public Relations are 9780205974764, 0205974767 and the print ISBNs are 9780205857258, 0205857256. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781292025285, 9780205912742, 9780205885305.
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