Thinking for Yourself, 9th Edition eBook
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THINKING FOR YOURSELF: DEVELOPING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS THROUGH READING AND WRITING offers a unique integration of composition, reading, and critical thinking. As you complete the book’s writing assignments, you’ll see how your writing reflects your thinking and how self-directed improvement in thinking also improves your writing. The book offers step-by-step instruction, humor, cartoons, and up-to-date social and political examples as a foundation for lifelong improvement in thinking and writing. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections
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Thinking for Yourself 9th Edition is written by Marlys Mayfield and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Thinking for Yourself are 9781285500157, 1285500156 and the print ISBNs are 9781285536026, 1285536029. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781285301426, 9781285810454, 9781133311188.
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