Thinking Rhetorically: A Guide to College Writing, 9th Edition eBook
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Thinking Rhetorically: A Guide to College Writing takes a distinctive pedagogical approach that integrates composition research with rhetorical theory and insights from writing across the curriculum. It treats writing and reading both as rhetorical acts and as processes of problem posing, inquiry, critical thinking, analysis and argument. Its aim is to evoke the kind of deep learning that can help you transfer compositional and rhetorical skills across disciplines and professional fields. You’ll benefit from clear and coherent explanations, engaging classroom activities and a flexible sequence of aims-based writing assignments to help you produce effective, idea-rich essays in academic and civic genres. Numerous examples of student and professional writing accompany this thorough guide to the concepts and skills needed for writing, researching and editing in college and beyond.
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Thinking Rhetorically: A Guide to College Writing 9th Edition is written by John C. Bean; June Johnson and published by Pearson. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Thinking Rhetorically: A Guide to College Writing are 9780137678501, 0137678509 and the print ISBNs are 9780137678587, 0137678584.
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