Thio’s Deviant Behavior, 13th Edition eBook
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Thio?s Deviant Behavior explores the current state and future directions of deviance. Building upon the work of the late Alex Thio, authors Jim Taylor and Martin Schwartz provide a solid foundation in scientific theories of deviance. The authors encourage you to apply your understanding of key concepts to emerging forms of deviant behavior such as Internet trolling and prescription drug abuse. The 13th Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect recent trends in deviance, including new coverage of school violence, sexual harassment, self-injury, online stalking, modern forms of fraud and more. Relevant stories from pop culture and coverage of recent high-profile cases involving prominent media personalities enable you to see how the study of deviance can be helpful in understanding today?s world.
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Thio’s Deviant Behavior 13th Edition is written by Jim D. Taylor; Martin D. Schwartz and published by Pearson. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Thio’s Deviant Behavior are 9780138040468, 013804046X and the print ISBNs are 9780138040529, 0138040524. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780137994595, 9780138040437.
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