Thus Spoke Mr Conrad Linden: Journey Across the Sea eBook
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Thus Spoke Mr Conrad Linden is a collection of essays written by Conrad Linden that can be used as an aid for teaching English as a second language and/or for bible study. The story is set in ?St Bernadette?s? boarding school in the centre of Prague. Mr Linden originally taught English in Melbourne, Australia and relocates to Prague, where his old girlfriend lives. She lives in a flat near the castle. The boarding school is run by nuns where they teach office skills. Mr Linden is sent there to teach Current Affairs. He resides at the premises with the priest Father O Malley who teaches Religious Studies. Carmen?s daughter, Maria is sent to the boarding school by her mother. Carmen has become too busy with her publishing company to look after her daughter. In this book there are 17 lessons. Each episode has a different lesson.