Tintoretto’s Difference: Deleuze, Diagrammatics and Art History eBook
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A provocative account of the philosophical problem of ‘difference’ in art history, Tintoretto’s Difference offers a new reading of this pioneering 16th century painter, drawing upon the work of the 20th century philosopher Gilles Deleuze. Bringing together philosophical, art historical, art theoretical and art historiographical analysis, it is the first book-length study in English of Tintoretto for nearly two decades and the first in-depth exploration of the implications of Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy for the understanding of early modern art and for the discipline of art history. With a focus on Deleuze’s important concept of the diagram, Tintoretto’s Difference positions the artist’s work within a critical study of both art history’s methods, concepts and modes of thought, and some of the fundamental dimensions of its scholarly practice: context, tradition, influence, and fact. Indicating potentials of the diagrammatic for art historical thinking across the registers of semiotics, aesthetics, and time, Tintoretto’s Difference offers at once an innovative study of this seminal artist, an elaboration of Deleuze’s philosophy of the diagram, and a new avenue for a philosophical art history.
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Additional ISBNs
1350083070, 1350170461, 9781350083073, 9781350170469
Tintoretto’s Difference: Deleuze, Diagrammatics and Art History 1st Edition is written by Kamini Vellodi and published by Bloomsbury Academic. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Tintoretto’s Difference are 9781350083080, 1350083089 and the print ISBNs are 9781350083073, 1350083070. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1350083070, 1350170461, 9781350083073, 9781350170469.
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