Today’s Technician: Automotive Brake Systems, Classroom and Shop Manual Prepack, 6th Edition eBook
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The 6th Edition of TODAY’S TECHNICIAN: AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SYSTEMS is a comprehensive text that equips readers to confidently understand, diagnose, and repair today’s brake systems. Using a unique two-volume approach, the first volume (Classroom Manual) details the theory and application of the total brake system, subsystem, and components, while the second (Shop Manual) covers real-world symptoms, diagnostics, and repair information. Known for its comprehensive coverage, accurate and up-to-date details, and abundant illustrations, the text is an ideal resource to prepare for success as an automotive technician or pursue ASE certification. Now updated with extensive information on new and emerging technology and techniques?including hybrid vehicles, brake by wire, and electric brakes?the Sixth Edition also aligns with the NATEF 2012 accreditation model, including job sheets correlated to specific AST and MAST tasks.
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Today’s Technician: Automotive Brake Systems, Classroom and Shop Manual Prepack 6th Edition is written by Ken Pickerill and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Today’s Technician: Automotive Brake Systems, Classroom and Shop Manual Prepack are 9781305178397, 1305178394 and the print ISBNs are 9781285429700, 1285429702. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781133592877, 9781133592884, 9781133592891, 9781305331549, 9798214355078, 9780357697702, 9781285811215, 9781305482791.
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